Why be anything but kind? This post is to help you kickstart how you can display "random" acts of kindness. I will be breaking it down into two categories so you can choose if you want to be kind "for free" or be kind "at a cost".

Shootz is awesome because the "twist" to Hawaiian food isn't too drastic that it totally changes your palate if you're craving something Hawaiian. Click in to see what I ordered and what they have to offer!

If you ever plan on visiting Santa Barbara and need some ideas for places to visit or food to eat, check out this post for addresses, parking tips, and reviews!

We went to Ruth's Chris for our anniversary, click in to see how we liked it!
I know Valentine's Day can be tough to plan, so in this post I will be giving you ideas on what you can do with your special date.

Looking for something sweet? Lucky Sakura is a dessert shop that has thousand-layer cake boxes, Swiss rolls, daifukus, tanghulu, coconut puddings, savory Chinese crepes, and more!

If you ever plan on visiting San Diego and need some ideas for places to visit and food to try out, check out this post for addresses, parking tips, and reviews!

Do you love pastries? Check out Hans & Harry's for the most delicious fruit strudels, cakes, and more!
The "lifestyle" portion on my website is about my life and the things I learned along the way. In my life, there will be days where I need to brain dump, and this post is going to be one of them... Fare warning, it's not going to be that fun.

I'm hopping onto the TikTok trend of rating my order and Din Tai Fung. Click in to see if it's worth the wait!